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Video Game Development


- Grade 12 or equivalentOR- Mature student status (18 years of age or older) and a passing score on the entrance examination

Benefits of this program

- Prepares you for valuable industry certifications- Market-driven programs- Growing demand for professionals in this area

Employment Opportunities

- game developer- game programmer- software developer- game play programmer- game designer- game artist- asset modeler- texture artist- game animator- indie game producer

Game Development Rumi Academy Advanced Diploma program prepares you to enter into the increasingly competitive profession of game development with confidence. This program provides you with hands-on learning and a team-oriented environment that simulates the work setting found in large game studios. Throughout the program, you learn the design and critical thinking skills needed to find employment in the game development industry.

As a student, you learn how to create games of strategy and skill in an applied setting. During your first year, you gain knowledge in basic programming syntax and game development software tools. You enhance your skills with courses in:

game design and development
traditional and digital imaging

For your final project, you work with your classmates to conceptualize, design and implement a complete 3-D game title. After graduation, you have the skills to demonstrate you are ready to start your career in this highly competitive field.

There are numerous career opportunities for graduates from this program. The game development profession has increased in demand to now include industries such as entertainment, education, government and consumer products.


Qestions & Answers

The role of a video game developer is multifaceted and involves the creation of interactive digital entertainment experiences. Game developers contribute to various aspects of the game development process, from conceptualization to design, programming, testing, and deployment. The specific responsibilities of a game developer can vary based on their specialization within the development team.

The collaborative efforts of these roles contribute to the creation of a cohesive and engaging video game. Game developers often work in interdisciplinary teams, with each member bringing their expertise to the project. The specific responsibilities may vary based on the size and structure of the development team, as well as the nature of the game being created.


Video game development requires a diverse set of skills, ranging from technical proficiency to creative and collaborative abilities. The specific skills needed can vary depending on the role within the game development team. Here are essential skills for various roles in video game development:

1. Game Designer:
– Creativity
– Critical Thinking
– Understanding of Game Mechanics

2. Programmer/Developer:
– Programming Languages
– Problem-Solving
– Algorithmic Thinking

3. Game Artist:
– Digital Art Skills
– Understanding of Animation
– Portfolio Development

4. Level Designer:
– Spatial Awareness
– Understanding of Game Flow
– Problem-Solving

5. Sound Designer/Audio Engineer:
– Audio Production Skills
– Understanding of Game Atmosphere
– Technical Integration

6. Quality Assurance (QA) Tester:
– Attention to Detail
– Communication Skills
– Analytical Thinking

7. Producer/Project Manager:
– Project Management
– Communication and Leadership
– Problem-Solving

8. Narrative Designer/Writer:
– Creative Writing
– Understanding of Game Design
– Collaboration

9. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Programmer:
– Programming and Algorithmic Skills
– Understanding of Game Design
– Problem-Solving

10. Network Programmer:
– Networking Protocols
– Problem-Solving
– Security Knowledge

11. Monetization Specialist:
– Understanding of Game Economy
– Analytical Skills
– Marketing Awareness

These skills are crucial for success in the video game development industry, and individuals may further specialize based on their specific roles and interests within the development process. Continuous learning, staying updated on industry trends, and adapting to evolving technologies are also essential for long-term success in this dynamic field.

Video game development involves a wide range of tasks, with team members collaborating to bring a game from concept to completion. The specific tasks can vary based on the stage of development, the size of the team, and the roles of individual team members. Here are some common tasks performed during different phases of video game development:

1. Pre-Production:
– Conceptualization:
– Task: Brainstorming and generating ideas for game concepts.
– Responsibilities: Game designers create high-level concepts, outlining gameplay, mechanics, and potential story elements.

– Market Research:
– Task: Analyzing market trends and identifying target audiences.
– Responsibilities: Producers and business development specialists gather data to inform decisions about the game’s design and features.

– Prototyping:
– Task: Creating a basic version of the game to test core mechanics.
– Responsibilities: Programmers and game designers collaborate to build a prototype that demonstrates key gameplay elements.

2. Production:
– Programming:
– Task: Writing code to implement gameplay mechanics, AI, graphics, and other technical aspects.
– Responsibilities: Programmers work on different aspects of the game, ensuring that it functions as intended.

– Art Creation:
– Task: Developing 2D and 3D assets, including characters, environments, animations, and user interfaces.
– Responsibilities: Artists create visual elements based on concept art and design specifications.

– Level Design:
– Task: Designing and building game levels or environments.
– Responsibilities: Level designers create layouts, puzzles, and challenges within the game world.

– Audio Development:
– Task: Creating and implementing music, sound effects, and dialogue.
– Responsibilities: Sound designers and audio engineers contribute to the game’s atmosphere and feedback.

– Quality Assurance (QA) Testing:
– Task: Identifying and reporting bugs and issues through playtesting.
– Responsibilities: QA testers conduct thorough testing to ensure the game meets quality standards.

– Integration:
– Task: Integrating various assets, features, and components into the game engine.
– Responsibilities: Programmers and developers ensure that all elements work seamlessly together.

3. Post-Production:
– Polishing:
– Task: Refining and improving game elements for a polished final product.
– Responsibilities: Team members across disciplines collaborate to enhance graphics, gameplay, and overall user experience.

– Bug Fixing:
– Task: Addressing and resolving any remaining issues or bugs.
– Responsibilities: QA testers, programmers, and other team members work to eliminate any identified problems.

– Optimization:
– Task: Optimizing the game for performance and compatibility with various platforms.
– Responsibilities: Programmers and developers ensure the game runs smoothly on different devices and meets technical requirements.

– Documentation:
– Task: Creating documentation for game assets, code, and processes.
– Responsibilities: Developers and designers document key aspects of the game to facilitate future updates, expansions, or troubleshooting.

– Marketing and Launch:
– Task: Planning and executing marketing strategies, preparing for the game’s release.
– Responsibilities: Marketing specialists work on promotional materials, social media campaigns, and community engagement.

– Support and Updates:
– Task: Providing ongoing support, addressing player feedback, and releasing updates or expansions.
– Responsibilities: Developers and designers continue to maintain and improve the game based on player feedback and changing market conditions.

These tasks represent a general overview of the game development process. The specifics can vary based on the nature of the game, the development team’s structure, and the goals of the project. Successful game development relies on effective collaboration, clear communication, and a commitment to delivering a high-quality and engaging gaming experience.

While a high school diploma is the minimum educational requirement, aspiring video game developers are encouraged to pursue additional education or acquire practical skills through self-directed learning to enhance their competitiveness in the job market. Continuous learning, hands-on experience, and the ability to demonstrate proficiency in relevant technologies are key factors for success in the dynamic field of video game development.

Graduates may find employment as a game developer, game programmer, software designer, software developer, graphics programmer, game designer, game artist, character modeler, environment modeler, texture artist, game animator, game tester, project manager and level designer. 

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